The 1939 novel Gadsby is the longest book ever published that doesn't contain the letter 'e.'

  Back in 1939, American author  Ernest Vincent Wright  published  Gadsby , a  50,000-word novel that doesn't use the letter 'e'  once. What's more, it's not the only novel that ditched the letter. Author  Georges Perec  also wrote the French-language book  La Disparition  without the letter 'e' in 1969. That's even more astounding when you consider that 'e' is the most commonly used letter in the English (and French!) language.

Did you know it’s illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets of San Francisco?

 Sure, a sprinkle of breadcrumbs to feed hungry birds may seem harmless but in the popular Californian city, you could get into trouble. San Francisco's Public Works Department explains this law is in place because there "are dozens of reasons why" you shouldn't feed your new pigeon friends, "but mainly: feeding pigeons harm our neighborhoods and also harms the birds."


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