The 1939 novel Gadsby is the longest book ever published that doesn't contain the letter 'e.'

  Back in 1939, American author  Ernest Vincent Wright  published  Gadsby , a  50,000-word novel that doesn't use the letter 'e'  once. What's more, it's not the only novel that ditched the letter. Author  Georges Perec  also wrote the French-language book  La Disparition  without the letter 'e' in 1969. That's even more astounding when you consider that 'e' is the most commonly used letter in the English (and French!) language.

Grapes light on fire in the microwave

 Back in 2011, a physicist at the University of Sydney went viral after he placed a grape in the microwave and filmed the fiery aftermath. And oddly enough, scientists couldn't explain the phenomenon until quite recently. A March 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reported that the fruity fireball occurs as a result of the loose electrons and ions that cluster to form plasma when grapes get hot.


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